Each year, Jake and I celebrate our birthday together since our birthdays are only six days apart. Alright, alright... I am six days older than him! :D
It has now been a tradition that we travel longer than usual on our annual birthday celebration, and overseas. So this time (March 2017), we decided to have our first Mediterranean cruise. We had a balcony stateroom on level 12 of the cruise ship. Our 8 day cruise itinerary started from Barcelona, Spain then to Marseille, France and continued to three Italian cities -Genoa, Civitavechia (Rome), and Palermo (Sicily), and thereafter continued to Valleta, Malta and head back to Barcelona, Spain.

At that time, the weather at end of March and the first week of April was still a bit cold and rainy. The reason why our first day voyage to Marseille, France was really bumpy. Check out this video I took...